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Dr. Ahlam Abdelbaki Elqobati


The difficult conditions Yemen is going through makes it imperative for all parties concerned with development and reconstruction projects to focus on essential points to revive positive community coexistence. Among these basic points is social responsibility and developing its standards and concepts among the various groups and institutions of society, work to stimulate various official bodies and civil society sector bodies to adopt organized programs in the service of society, and to adopt an inclusive national project that works to develop the concept of social responsibility. Whereas, the lack of sense and sense of responsibility among community members and not giving them adequate attention to various societal problems is a fundamental factor in exacerbating the severity of various problems, so community participation is necessary to spread collective awareness and instill a spirit of initiative and a sense of responsibility towards society.

The level of social responsibility is evidenced by analyzing the role of community members and their level of participation in solving societal problems in various economic, Social, political fields, i.e. the level of citizen’s participation in building his country on the basis that the behavior of citizenship is an embodiment of societal responsibility, which is based on respect for laws that guide individuals, institutions and different roles in a way that serves the interest of society as a whole. This will not happen unless the official authorities in the state fulfill all the citizenship rights of the people of the homeland equally and justly for all without a decrease in order to motivate the citizen and develop a sense of responsibility and belonging of the citizen, which drives him to carry out his national duty towards his homeland and here the level of responsibility of the official authorities themselves is embodied and the extent of its awareness of the importance of its role in restoring the societal fabric at various levels.

Social responsibility represents a valuable moral package, so that any entity, whether an individual, body or institution, has an imperative duty to work for the benefit of society as a whole and must adhere to that to maintain societal, economic and organizational balance in general, and it has multiple dimensions, including moral, educational, professional and ethical social responsibility .

Developing societies, including Yemen, their administrative systems are characterized by bureaucracy and complexity in procedures and decision-making, and this affects the process of appropriate development planning and its implementation. If members of society have an appropriate level of responsibility, this will limit the impact of these complications. As it is evident that members of any society are more aware of their needs and are more aware of the obstacles that prevent them from meeting these needs, so they must have a direct role in achieving the requirements of society each from its location.

The advancement of development fields and the achievement of the goals of reconstruction projects in any society cannot be done without the participation of members of society in identifying needs, developing appropriate plans to meet these needs, and implementing them. The government side or civil society organizations is not responsible alone, but the participation of members of society is a basic building block for the success of any projects.

In conclusion, we can say that social responsibility is not entrusted to one party without the other, but rather it is an integral responsibility that begins with the individual and the family and moves to the institutional side, with the participation of the governmental and private sectors and all civil society institutions. The first has to provide the information required for companies and organizations, and motivate them to work in the field of community service, by providing the necessary facilities for them to implement their development and reconstruction programs; while the private sector and civil society institutions are responsible for their active participation, whose focus is meeting the needs and requirements of society and all its groups in a real way in a way that serves development and reconstruction in the long run to achieve sustainable community development, Contributing to the stability and prosperity of society. The societal responsibility of the various bodies and institutions directly affect the services they provide to the community, and it is evident here that it is necessary to recognize the urgent need to work within the existence of systems that apply the principle of institutional governance at all levels to limit and reduce corruption.

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